Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Finished Loop de Loop

Here is my finished loop de loop for the prompt 'pig.' I enjoyed animating this and using the skills i have learned in motion design, as this is something i want to focus on the future. I spent alot of time makign sure everything loops, and overall i am very pleased with how its turned out, particularly the fire movement. I might add some smoke effects if i have time. I think there are  a few things that could be added to make the scene look more interesting, but for my first project using after effects i am very pleased.

More backgrounds

Below are some more backgrounds i have been working on for our final film. I think the lighting and colours work well and like the composition of the doorbell shot. I think i could improve the bus background as the perspective seems slightly off to me, and i may add some more details to make it look more interesting. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Loop de Loop

I will be animating the illustration i created below for this months 'pig' loop de loop. I will be using what i have learned from my motion design course to do this. I am happy with the illustration and think it is quite atmospheric and will be interesting to look at when animated.

15 second horror film

This week i have been working on my film for the 15 second horror film live brief : I have been developing the backgrounds which are below. I think the boring look of the lift will make the corridor background look more interesting and contrast when the doors open.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Motion Graphics practice

For a while i have been interested in learning about motion design in after effects. I have been following an online course that introduced me to motion graphics, in the hopes i will be able to learn enough to do the next loopdeloop brief in after effects. Below is the outcome of the course, which i am very pleased with, as i have always found after effects quite intimidating. Below this i have animated some work i did in illustrator a while ago, which i am also very happy with. I learned a lot through doing these exercises and feel more confident about doing motion design in the future.

11 second club background

During independent study i have also done this background for Carlas 11 second club live brief. I am happy with the perspective of the lockers and the colour palette and think the simple style works well and fits in with the characters Carla designed.

Background progress

I have been making progress with the backgrounds for our exorcist animation. I have been sticking to a limited colour palette of pink hues, which i think is interesting looking and creates a certain mood for the backgrounds. I have enjoyed adding details to the bedroom below and think the progress ive made has been very productive.