Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Shot final lines and colouring

Here are two more shots which i have finished recently. I think i have been working quite efficiently to get one shot a days final lines and colouring done over the easter break. 
What i think went well:
  • I think there is consistency between the animation in mine and Olivers shots and they work well together
  • I think my attempt at a smear works well in the shot with the mother and the priest. 
  • With colour i think the characters sit well in the backgrounds and feel it brings the animation to life
What could be improved:
  • in the daughter reaction shot, the blanket lines are a bit jittery and move around more as it was hard to keep this the exact same in different frames. I am going to fix this for the final film
  • her hands also clip with the blanket a bit, which again i plan on fixing for the final film
  • the motion of the mother stepping forward could be more clear, i would like to tweak the planting of her feet for the final cut

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Heinz D&AD submission

We have now submitted our Heinz animation to D&AD. It was very stressful to get this finished in time and to be honest i am glad its over. I did enjoy the project and learnt a lot from it, but as i wasnt focus on the areas i want to specialise in, i was eager to move on. To colour my part of the animation, i exported the video into photoshop. However, i didnt change the frame rate from 29 to 12, which caused me massive problems and took ages to colour and draw the final lines of each frame. I will now know for future to check im on the right framerate when i export into photoshop.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Finished commission

I have now finished the commission i received for a 'candyland' themed piece of art for the clients daughter. I am really pleased with the result of this and the client has also expressed their happiness with the final result. In the end the client decided to go with the light pink line colour that i think works better than the darker one and compliments the other colours.
what went well:
-i think the composition works well
-i like how the colours i have chosen work together
-i like the details in the piece
-i am pleased with the quality of the linework

what could be improved:
-i think the trees in the bg of the forest could be improved, perhaps with a less harsh line at their base
-the picnic blanket is not flat enough for the angle
-there could be more detail in the background of the piece

Friday, April 12, 2019

15 second horror backgrounds

As another live brief, i have been doing the backgrounds for Olivers second 15 second horror brief. I planned to do an entire animation for this brief by myself, but i ended up going off the idea i came up with, and also thought i would rather practice my background skills than animate more, as this is what i am specialising in. Oli gave me rough layouts for what he wanted from the backgrounds and i have been working on making them more painterly than i normally do.
What i think went well:
-I think the compostion works well
-i think i have achieved a more realistic look than i usually do, which is what i wanted
-i think the grass texture works well
- i think the noise and haze i added to the later versions works well
-my blending skills have gotten much better, e.g the sky gradient

what could be improved
-id like to add more sense of depth to the image and make the road seem longer and go into he distance more
-i would like to achieve more texture in my grass painting
-i think i could work on the colours in the painting to capture the time of day the scene is better e.g very early morning

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Final film - shot cleanup

I have begun to do clean up and colour the shots which i have animated for our final film. It is really good to see them coming together and looking more finished.
What went well:
-I think they fit in with the purple coloured backgrounds when they are coloured, this is something i was concerned about in case the colours clashed
-i think i completed them in good time

What could be improved:
-i think my line work could be smoother in some places, this is something i will work on improving in future shots

Candyland commission progress

I have drawn out the rough line art for the commission i have received from a client. I have been emailing my progress to the client as i work, taking whatever feedback they give me and changing the art accordingly. I changed the position of the gingerbread from the centre to the right hand side and made the forest further back in the distance, which i feel dramatically improves the composition of the piece. I am really pleased with how the piece is looking so far.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Final film shot - rough animation

I have done the rough animation for this simple scene of the daughter reacting to the fight between priest and her mother.
What went well:
-i like the timing
-i think her reaction looks good

what could be improved
-more exaggerated motion
-blink could look smoother

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Commission live brief

For one of my live briefs I will be doing a live brief for a client who was referred to me through a family member. They wanted to commission a digital piece of artwork for their daughters bedroom. After talking with them, they made it clear that they were open to my ideas and that i would have free reign with the idea. I came up with a few ideas and they advised me as to what kind of thing both they and their daughter would like. They knew they wanted a landscape painting done with a fantasy feel to it, but were open to my ideas about what would look good. A few of the ideas were sceneries with castles, fairytale landscapes and forests. When i suggested the idea of a forest made from sweets, like the candy forest from the fairytale 'Hansel and Gretel', the client and her daughter were very enthusiastic about going forward with this idea. I then came up with some rough layouts and the client told me which one they would prefer. They also gave me a timeframe of 3 weeks to get it done, which i felt is a good amount of time to get it done along with working on my main extended practice project. Below are some of the very rough layouts i drew up to show the client before they decided they wanted a candyland themed one.