Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lip Sync

I found the lip sync task quite challenging, mostly because I have very little experience using after effects and find it quite intimidating, particularly time remapping. Once i got the hang of it though, I found the task made lip syncing make more sense to me and i have gained knowledge that will be useful in future projects. For some reason my lip sync matched up to the audio much more smoothly when i played it back in after effects, and didnt match up as naturally once i had exported it.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Character and Narrative shot progress

This is the final result of the first shot where we see Spindra's shadow. I am pleased with how it looks, however i think it looks a bit choppy which bothers me. I tried a few different spacings of the frames to see if it helped with making the motion look smoother, but this was the closest i managed to get that i was happy with, with the amount of time i had to do it. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Character and Narrative Shot 2

I have finished the animation for the panning shot of Spindra. The main problem i had with this show was actually not with the animation, but with aligning the camera in animate cc so i got the shot i wanted. I had alot of trouble because I first made the canvas very long so i could pan up the animation, but positioning the camera in the correct way with this canvas proved to be very difficult. I may take my animation into premiere to try and fix the framing of the camera because, while i am happy with the animation, the camera movement is really annoying me. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Finished Walk cycle

Below is the finished walk cycle scene when Spindra first enters the office. I am really happy with how this has turned out, especially because I spent so much time on it. It is the most complex walk cycle or even shot i have ever done and i found the angle of the walk hard to get right, which is why this shot in particular has taken me so long to complete. I drew over the rough guide on a different layer for each asset, such as the legs, dress etc. and then coloured each individually. I would like to go back and add some motion to the spider legs if i have the time, but my focus now is finishing all my other shots.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Shot 3

I have begun working on the first shot where we actually see the character of Spindra the spider lady. It is a panning shot which will being at her feet and pan up to her face, revealing her spider-y face. I took some reference videos for the shot of me shifting my weight from one hip to another, so that it wasnt just a static pan of her, so it wont look so static and boring. I will add the pan up to her face once i have finished animating her movement.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Walk this Way

Below is the final result of my 3D walk cycle. I found this task made me more confident in using Maya and also helped me better memorise the different steps in a walk cycle, which will be helpful for me in the future when doing walk cycles for other projects. It was more straightforward than i thought it was going to be, i mostly struggled when doing the alternative poses on each side and getting them to match up with the rest of the cycle.