Saturday, December 15, 2018

Statement of Intent

During the course of the extended practice module i intend to develop my specialist area of
backgrounds and environment design, while also working on my animation skills.I will be working in
a group with Oli, who will be the director and script writer, while i do all the backgrounds and concept
art. We will both be sharing the animation between us. I would also like to produce concept art or
illustrations for some live briefs, and improve my 2d animation skills. I would like to experiment
with colour and maybe use limited colour palettes for the backgrounds of
our final film, and experiment with a more cartoonish style than i usually go for. I would also particularly
like to improve my motion graphics skills in after effects, as i feel this would be very beneficial for leaving
university and improve my employability. I intend to improve my portfolio and create some dynamic
animation in our final animation and through live briefs, such as loop de loop and 11 second club, but
my primary focus is on improving my drawing, digital painting and composition skills in order to create
environmental concept art and background design to a high standard. I will be searching for live briefs
which fall under this environment design category so i can improve in this area, and also looking for
live briefs specifically for motion design so i can practice my after effects animating. If i cant find any,
i will be completing live briefs such as loopDeLoop using after effects animation. I also intend
to work in a group with other members of the class to complete a live brief, perhaps a YCN
or D&AD brief. I am excited to improve my animating skills both working as an individual and
as part of a group, and in the hopes of securing a job sometime after ive finished university.