Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Student Evaluation
BA(hons) Animation
Module Code: OUAN403 – Animation Skills

Name:Nicole Meehan
Student ID: nm263854

Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Finally grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes. (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive)

Identify where (Blog, Research, Animation, development work etc.).  Also how well you feel you have met this learning outcome. (poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent)
(No more than 75 words)
Your grade (%)
Blog Posts, Briefs
Blog Posts and Briefs and Study tasks
Briefs (Animate it!, Pose to pose) Blogs
Blog Posts, Briefs
Blog Posts, Evaluation and Group Critiques.

Evaluation (See guidance below for more information)
You are required to write a 500 word evaluation of this module.

At the beginning of the module, I knew very little about animation processes and techniques, and wouldn’t have known how to begin an animation if I tried. Now I feel a lot more confident in my ability and have learned many new skills which I feel I can apply to future projects. In particular, at the beginning of the course I had a little knowledge about the 12 principles of animation and the idea of storyboarding. Through using this knowledge to approach the set briefs like animate it! and Telling stories, I have learned how essential these skills are for an animation process to be successful.
I think my Animate it! animation went quite well, I wasn’t expecting it to be very good as it is one of the first animations I have ever done but I’m actually really happy with the result. I think my idea generation concerning the story for this brief went well because I think my idea for “fear” was quite original. I also like the style I chose for this brief, and in particular the movement of the butterfly I animated. Initially the movement was too smooth, almost like a bird, so I took out every second frame of the animation I had drawn and then tried it. This looked much more realistic and fluttery, and captured a big part of the reason I dislike them so much.
I think I definitely could have improved my time management for this module, in particular for the Animate it! brief, which I kept putting off because I was afraid of doing it wrong, in particular trying to make my character look good and move realistically. I overcame this by planning more, and actually filming myself performing the actions I needed to animate. This helped a lot. I also used what I had learned about key frames to keep the size and shape of the character consistent. I also would say I struggled a bit with constructing story boards for the “Telling Stories” brief as I had never done one before, but after researching things like shot framing I think I improved this skill for the “Animate it!” brief.
For future modules I will definitely use the knowledge I have gained during this module, such as which media suits me, which I think is going to be 2D hand drawn. This is strange because the thought of hand drawing every frame had scared me in the past, but now I have come to really like it. I will also know now to keep up more with weekly blog posts and to document more of my research, which I think is something I didn’t realise the importance of until late in this module.

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