Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Skyward Sword Animation Analysis

Skyward Sword is one of my favourite games of all time; I have always loved the vivid colours in the game and the different areas you can access. The game begins on an island in the sky called Skyloft; it is so incredibly bright and inviting that you could spend hours just looking at it alone. The warm inviting colours of the entire island connote to the fact that this has been this version of our hero, Links, home for his current life span, before he is thrown into another world of chaos and terror on the land below.

Links home town of Skyloft
This lush and colourful comfort zone contrasts with the strange new worlds below the clouds that Link must brave in order to find the princess. The surface presents new dangers that our hero has never faced before; many time these backgrounds are bare and dry, completely contrasting to the safety of Skyloft. These locations include deserts, volcanoes, haunted woods and even a silent realm. These scenes are still beautiful, but in playing the game I find that they can genuinely be quite intimidating even though there is no real danger. The colours juxtapose with those used in Skyloft, signifying the evil thats there before Link can conquer it.

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