Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Visual Language Evaluation

Evaluation (See guidance below for more information)
You are required to write a 500 word evaluation of this module.

(Please complete your evaluation in this box)
At the beginning of this module, I had little clue about what visual literacy actually was and had never designed a character before. I didn't think I would be interested in character design at all, but now that i have tried it I realise I like it more than I thought I would. I learned alot of new skills in photoshop through creating my turn around and character sheets that will definitely benefit me with the program in the future, as I barely knew anything about it before this module. In my opinion I think the environmental storytelling went well; my drawing skill is one of the areas I feel confident in as I come from more of a fine art background and I think I captured perspective well in my drawings and choose media which suit my locations and set their mood.
I think I could have improved upon my life drawing skills for animation for this module, I am so used to doing fine art life drawing that I was putting too much detail into the quick poses. I searched for videos to help with this though and now feel I have a beter grasp at actually capturin gthe movement of a body. I think I could also have improved my turnaround and character sheets, I would have liked to have added shadows and more depth and detail to the character but as a newcomer to photoshop I didn't find the time. I also think my time management on this module has been off and I left things too late as other modules took precedence. I also would have liked to have generated more ideas for the set, series, sequence brief, I was quite confused about this brief and I think I should have done alot more experiments with texture and media etc.
I have learned for future projects that character design isn't as scary as I first thought it would be, I actually enjoyed the brief in the end and would like to do it again in the future. I also feel more adept at creating backgrounds around a certain character now and I really enjoyed the environmental storytelling module as background design is something that interests me. Hearing positive feedback about pieces of my enivornmental drawings that I thought weren't great made me more confident in my ability and the group critique also gave me new ideas from my peers work.

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