Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Creating Final Film ArtBook and Poster

Now we have finished our final film, i have been spending time putting together the art book for it. We have included the script, character designs, background and colour design, sounds, animation process shots and more. We decided to use the below shot of the exorcist standing in front of the house as the cover, which i think works very well and looks quite striking. We have also made a few poster ideas for the film, which i am also pleased with.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Enter bedroom finished shot

I have now finished the final lines, colour and editing on my final shot for my final film. It is below. 
What went well :
  • I think the masks used to bring the soft light of the yellow into the room works well
  • i think the door movement looks good
  • i think it is overall a very atmospheric and good tension building shot
  • i like the shadow of the priest
What could be improved
  • perhaps there could be more movement of the priest actually opening the door
  • the mask for the shadow clips in some parts

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Tweaking final film backgrounds

In preparation for hand in, i have been making some final adjustments to the backgrounds for our final film. There were a few places we noticed mistakes with the backgrounds and we wanted to correct them to make the film look as consistent as possible. For example i tweaked the bg below because we noticed that the bedroom looked much bigger in a previous shot so the walls on either side of the bed wouldnt be visible here. I took these out and also added a shadow under the bed after getting some feedback to do this in the final crit. I think this was good advice as it does look less flat after adding this. 

Recording sounds for Final Film

We recently booked out the university's sound booth to record the sounds for our final film. Below is a picture of a few of the implements we used; we used celery for the snapping and breaking of bones, a heavy book to drop and hit for sounds of the fight shot. The paper plates were useful for ripping noises and the flutter of the paper bill in the final shot. We also used loose objects like coins and pens to rustle around for general clatter, and rubber gloves for slapping noises. We used our voices for some of the character noises such as gasps and screams during the fight. Seeing our final film with the noises added in i think they work well, although there were still some noises we will need to find online. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Final crit feedback

This week we presented what we have of our final films so far at the final crit. Our film was well received, but there was also some helpful constructive criticism which we have taken on board and have started to tweak the film accordingly. If we dont have time to make all the changes before hand in, we will continue to work after this to get them all done.
Final crit comments

  • in doorbell shot, finger extends further after he moves his hand back- this was one of my shots so i will be fixing this as soon as possible. I didnt notice this mistake until it was pointed out to me
  • Background details- during fight scene and inside the house the backgrounds sometimes lack detail - i have begun fixing this by adding shadow to certain places in the backgrounds, such as under the bed, which i think has benefited the look of the backgrounds already. I will be fixing other minor things in the backgrounds in the days before hand in.