Friday, May 3, 2019

Final crit feedback

This week we presented what we have of our final films so far at the final crit. Our film was well received, but there was also some helpful constructive criticism which we have taken on board and have started to tweak the film accordingly. If we dont have time to make all the changes before hand in, we will continue to work after this to get them all done.
Final crit comments

  • in doorbell shot, finger extends further after he moves his hand back- this was one of my shots so i will be fixing this as soon as possible. I didnt notice this mistake until it was pointed out to me
  • Background details- during fight scene and inside the house the backgrounds sometimes lack detail - i have begun fixing this by adding shadow to certain places in the backgrounds, such as under the bed, which i think has benefited the look of the backgrounds already. I will be fixing other minor things in the backgrounds in the days before hand in. 

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