Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Autism animation storyboard

Ally, Kate and I had a group meeting recently to discuss our ideas for our animations. We all came up with individual ideas and then gave eachother feedback and ideas on improvements or ways to illustrate our points better. All of our animations will be one continuous shot, and will focus on three different narratives about 3 people and their experiences with autism. My character will be called Julia. The animation will begin with a zoom of julia's name, which will zoom out to reveal the rest of the exam paper, with the words on the paper swirling to show confusion. The shot will continue to zoom until we are right above her, and then she will morph into a fly, which will buzz loudly, and land on a table where a pen is scratching loudly. The pen will then turn into a leg walking, taking two steps and then morphing into the hands of a clock ticking. The point is to illustrate how distracting and overwhelming these things can be in an exam situation for a person with autism. I think the sounds i choose to use will support the points im trying to make about the distractions.

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