Sunday, April 2, 2017

Applied animation

I have narrowed down my ideas and discussed them with my group; I am going to be focusing on the different aspects of sensory overload a person with autism can go through when taking exams. I researched this online on sites like ask reddit, where you can ask people questions like how autism affects their life. I also found some information about how stressful exam situations can be on the national autistic society's website. A few of the things I found out were things like; the overwhelming size of the exam hall, things such as strip lighting, noise, smells, or an invigilator walking around the hall can all be distracting.  Ally also talked to a friend she knows with autism who told her about her feelings towards exams; she said a few interesting things like not being able to stand sitting too close to other people, needing to wear headphones to listen to music and block everything out, getting distracted by flickering lights or smells like strong perfume. I think all the information i've gathered could work well in an animation. We as a group have agreed we would like all of our animations to be one continuous shot as opposed to scenes cutting and to keep a more abstract background style. I think this animation will be a challenge as i've never done anything like it before but i am excited to give it a try.

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