Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Modelling in Maya

I was originally really intimidated by Maya because it looked so complicated and professional, and I did find it difficult to remember all the different keys and work out how to do things, but after following the guides on estudio and practising a bit more I found it was easier than it looked to begin with. It took a while to get used to the different controls and remember where things were, but the truck exercise helped me so that when I went on to trying to modelling something of my own choosing I had a bit of knowledge of what to do. I decided to make a water bottle that was on my desk at the time. Since then said water bottle has been binned so I cant post a picture of it unfortunately. I started making the water bottle by creating a cylinder shape, which i lengthened and beveled alot to make the edges more curved. I then used more cylinder shapes which i beveled to create the top half of the bottle, and another smaller and thinner one for the lid. I set the segments of the bevels differently to get different degrees of curves. Once I was done I coloured it using a shiny blue colour which i think worked well. I am overall pleased with my bottle.

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