Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Applied Animation- The National Autistic Society

For the Applied Animation brief in this module I have decided to form a group with Ally and Kate and we are going to be focusing on the The National Autistic Society brief. I have began researching and we have discussed how we are going to approach the brief.  we are going to do a 20 second animation each on the effects of autism on different people. I think I am going to focus on the idea of sensory overload that is common in people with autism. I have done some research and discussed this with Kate and Ally and we have agreed that we would like to take a more abstract approach to this task. I am really excited to try and achieve what I want to convey, especially because we want to use more traditional media like water colours and other paints and pastels in this brief. I think using different textures as well as media will lend itself a lot to trying to convey the idea of sensory overload. 
I have researched and watched videos about how different people experience autism and it has given me a few ideas about how it effects their lives. I have gathered that sound and light is a main effect that can become very overwhelming for people with autism so I think this would be a good thing to emphasise in the animation.

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