Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Practice run cycle

This week i did a short test run cycle of a dog. This helped me to understand the way dogs move and will be useful when i begin animating for the project. I used disney character sheets from 101 Dalmatians and Lady and the Tramp to see how they approached run cycles.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

LAUAN504 Background ideas

I will be designing the backgrounds for our group's dogs trust campaign. We have discussed ideas for what we want the backgrounds to look like as a group and have found research ideas from existing animations. Below is a moodboard of the different aspects of each of the scenes that I liked. I plan to incorporate the different effects into my backgrounds that i have outlined below. Most of them are Disney concept art, from Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmatians, and from We Bare Bears. I really like the simple, slightly stylised look of them and think they will suit the theme of the campaign well, as (in the disney films below) they have been used to present stories about dogs, and are simple enough as to not distract the attention of the audience but also to remain visually interesting.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Dogs Trust research

In order to best fulfill the brief we are working on,  I have researched Dogs Trust, to find out their key beliefs and how they would like to be presented in our campaign.
Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare organisation. Their key aims are to work "towards the day when all dogs can enjoy a happy  life, free from the threat of  unnecessary destruction.” Through the competition brief set, they aim to make rescue dogs the most desirable dogs in Britain.
The client wants to be presented as positive, friendly and compassionate. They believe that dogs have the right to life and happiness and that the canine-human relationship is special, something they urge to be communicated through the campaign being created. I feel our idea for this brief fulfills this requirement, highlighting the special bond and happiness that humans and their pets can give one another.
Related image

Sunday, February 18, 2018


This week we started work on the competition brief. Myself, Carla and Medi have formed a group together and will be working on the Dogs Trust brief. We chose this brief because it appealed to us the most and because we got the most ideas from it initially. We have also decided on an idea for a campaign and agreed on how we will be splitting the workload effectively. Medi will be doing character designs, I will be working on backgrounds, and Carla will be doing the storyboards and animatic. We have decided on having two 15 second animations for now, which means we will be animating ten seconds each. I have begun drawing lots of dogs because i think it will be beneficial when it comes to actually animating.
What went well:

  • Generated lots of ideas as a team
  • Decided on individual roles within the team
  • Decided on a general story for our brief
Below are some previous campaigns we have been researching to take inspiration from. Although they were helpful to see what has been done before, we will have much less time to tell a story in our 15-second animations. Each of the ads maintains Dogs Trust's aim to keep the campaigns lighthearted and positive, and emphasises the bond between dog and human. We have kept this in mind when planning our campaign.