Friday, April 12, 2019

15 second horror backgrounds

As another live brief, i have been doing the backgrounds for Olivers second 15 second horror brief. I planned to do an entire animation for this brief by myself, but i ended up going off the idea i came up with, and also thought i would rather practice my background skills than animate more, as this is what i am specialising in. Oli gave me rough layouts for what he wanted from the backgrounds and i have been working on making them more painterly than i normally do.
What i think went well:
-I think the compostion works well
-i think i have achieved a more realistic look than i usually do, which is what i wanted
-i think the grass texture works well
- i think the noise and haze i added to the later versions works well
-my blending skills have gotten much better, e.g the sky gradient

what could be improved
-id like to add more sense of depth to the image and make the road seem longer and go into he distance more
-i would like to achieve more texture in my grass painting
-i think i could work on the colours in the painting to capture the time of day the scene is better e.g very early morning

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