Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Make Em Laugh Final Crit

Today we were split into small groups for our final critique for the process and production brief.  I enjoyed doing the critique in the smaller groups because it meant it was easier to get your point across and to ask questions about your work to your peers. The people in my group gave me some great ideas on what I could do to improve my animation. For example, I wasn't sure about one of my shots because I thought it would be too boring and long as it was; they gave me the idea of making the light of the outdoors shine on the date as he is making his escape so it can fade and transition into the next shot where he has made it outside. I think this is a really good idea that will make the scene more dynamic and interesting. They also gave me ideas for what I could do to make my animation funnier- like adding in a date family for my date that are waving him off as he goes on his adventure, or at the end when he gets sliced in half by the doors, perhaps he could put his sunglasses back on as a sign that hes not completely dead yet. They also gave me advice on how to make my animation look better, like makng the doors at the end transparent so its more obvious what they are. The feedback about my backgrounds was good and they seemed to like my date character and the choice of audio i told them i was planning to use. Overall it was a really helpful critique that gave me lots of new ideas and allowed me to get a feel of what others were doing and help them too.

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