Sunday, October 15, 2017

Character and Narrative progress

We pitched our story ideas to the class on friday who then voted for which one we should make. In our group, Alice's story was chosen. Her story is about a rat detective who has an encounter with a spider lady and has an noir 50s theme. I am happy this was chosen as I really like the story and think there will be a lot of cool concept art etc that we can do around the story. We each drew out our initial ideas for the character designs and also talked through the different aspects of the story and the script. I am very interested in doing some background designs for the animation as well as some concept art and character design. We came up with some basic ideas for how the characters would look. Below are my designs for the spider lady character. We want to make her really over sexy, taking inspiration from Jessica Rabbit, but for there to be some comedy in the fact that she has a gross spider mouth.

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