Friday, October 27, 2017

Potential and Limitations - Technique

Our group differs from most of the others in that half of the animation will be in 2D, and half in 3D. I had my doubts about whether this would work aesthetically or if it would appear jarring, but after discussing with my group more i think it is best that we each work to our individual strengths and think it will actually make a very interesting result. Tom and I will be animating our parts of the animation in 2D, while Alice does hers in 3D. I chose 2D as it is the medium I am most comfortable working in. I think there is a possibility working in 2D will look very flat in comparision to Alices 3D sequence, but i will try my best to avoid this. I am very interested in learning more about 3D but I am not at the skill level where I would be confident in animating in 3D. I have been modelling the backgrounds for the 2D parts of the animation in 3D however, which has allowed me to gain more understanding of the software and to feel more comfortable about using it in future projects. We didnt consider stop motion for our animation because none of us have ever worked with the medium before, and because aesthetically i dont think it would have fit the mood we are trying to achieve in the animation.

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