Thursday, October 5, 2017

Telling Tales

The symbols I rolled with the story dice for this brief were a lighthouse, a cat and a wolf/dog. I was really happy with this because it immediately brought to mind images that I thought i would like to create an animation around. I immediately thought of a few ideas and did sketches around them and finally came up with an idea I really liked. My idea is about a dog and a cat who live by the sea in a lighthouse and like to look up at the moon. They see the moons reflection in the water one night and decide to sail out to try and catch it. They pull the moon out of the water and bring it back to shore, where they play games with it and eventually the cat accidentally bursts the moon with its claws. I think this could be a really cute idea and stylistically I would love to do the backgrounds and have the whole animation in black and white and in quite a cartoony style to compliment the story.
Below are some sketches I did of my initial ideas and some character design, as well as a few poses to get see what dogs and cats look like in motion.

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