Friday, January 27, 2017

Finished Character

Below is the final design for my vampire character, Victor. I decided to colour him with bluey- grey skin to indicate his undead-ness. I also decided to go with typical vampir-ish colours for his clothes, like dark blood red for the cape and midnight blue for his dress suit thing. I have pictured him in a few of his poses; he is a very leisurely vampire with no friends, so he takes joy in reading and sleeping upside down.
I have also made a gif of my final turn around below; I found this quite challenging to achieve, particularly the poses in between each quarter pose, but by using a lightbox I think I did alright in the end considering I've never done a turn around before. I also found his feet quite hard to keep in the same place. Colouring the turnaround digitally has benefitted me as I have never done anything like this in photoshop before, and spending so long colourng Victor helped me to learn alot about the program that will benefit me in the future and make me less afraid to use it.

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