Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Life Drawing- Rhythm is a Dancer

Below are some examples of my work from the  Rhythm is a Dancer task of the Form, Flow and Force brief. I actually found this brief alot more challenging that I thought I would at the beginning, particularly with these poses which were only held for a number of seconds. I think this is because I have been so used to doing more of a fine art approach to life drawing in the past, so I was concentrating too much on details rather than capturing the movement of the figure. I think I eventually got the hang of it though and began putting less thought in how good it looked and more into if it actually showed movement. I used different materials for my life drawings, from thick graphite pencil to marker and water colours and inks. I liked using markers most for capturing movement and changing the colour of the markers between poses really helped.
I also found a video on vimeo that helped me understand how to draw in a quicker style to complete the poses faster, which really helped me to define which are the key features you have to get in to capture the movement. I have linked the video below;

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