Monday, November 28, 2016

21st-25th October
This week I refined my 24 drawings on the 'slug' brief into 12 drawings that I felt reflected the word well. I was a bit confused about how to narrow down the images and I had already had a couple of different ideas for my final storyboard narrative, so I basically drew out different ideas for the storyboard, thinking about shot frames, expressions and story etc. I experimented with what the slug would look like, and in the end he turned out to be quite cute and similar to the Aardman slugs in "Flushed Away," which I think gave him more character and likability. I originally thought I would do a story board about a slug who wanted to be a snail, but I tried drawing it out and brainstormed a bit and came up with a more simple narrative instead. This idea was about the idea of a slug being afraid because a human is trying to pour salt on it because its been eating their plants. I liked the idea of personifying the slug and giving them personality and fears because I think it is quite funny. Overall I think my storyboard sums up the word 'slug' pretty effectively. I tried to use the knowledge I have learned about camera angles and setting the scene from previous group critiques to make this storyboard better, in particular I tried to use close ups of the slug in order to make its expressions clear, something I thought more about because of the feedback from my peers in the previous storyboard critique. I also used colour this time and tried to add in backgrounds. I hope my peers will be able to tell what is going on in the story board. This brief has definitely made me realise how an idea can progress from just one word and how useful a sketchbook can be in creating new ideas and developing them.
Below is some of my finished 'slug' storyboard;

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