Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Character Design development

This week in visual Language we were given a new brief, we had to take the character we had designed the week before and create a spin animation so you can see the character from all angles. We were told how to ground your character using an oval to place their feet on. I then drew my character from the front, back, and both sides so I could fill in the in betweens later.
I have decided that his name is Victor. He lives in the Dark Arches and he's quite lonely. He was turned into a vampire when he was 15 and as such all of the older vampires reject him as do humans who are afraid of him. He can also be quite mischevious sometimes though and scares people when he's bored, but he's a vegetarian vampire and doesn't eat them or drink their blood. I like the way he doesn't have a neck so his head can move freely and he can do spooky vampire things, and I think its also in keeping with his character because I've decided that he can hover too.

For this character design I wanted quite a cute and simple character, and after designing him initially I wanted him to have quite an 'Adventure Time' look. I think this idea of a simple character suits the personality of Victor as well and many of the characters in Adventure Time share the same simple body shape, which served as inspiration.

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