Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Make Em Laugh- Blind Date ideas

I have decided my theme for this brief will be under the theme of 'Blind date,' however I want to put a twist on it by using a date-as in the fruit- that is blind. I have thought of a few scenarios that the blind dates could be put into; such as perhaps a tomato or some other type of fruit is going on a blind date, only to turn up and find that his blind date was a blind date the whole time. I liked this idea but thought it might be hard for people to understand what the date actually was. I also thought maybe just a montage of a hoard of blind dates fumbling around and trying to go about life would be quite funny and would appeal to that random sort of humour that is popular with teenagers and young adults.
My other idea was the date is trying to escape from the supermarket he is imprisoned in- with great difficulty, and perhaps a grape guide dog. I think i like this idea the most and it would be the most fun to work on, and i think i could make use of sound by perhaps putting mission impossible music or the great escape music to make it funnier.

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