Friday, February 17, 2017

Make Em Laugh progress

This week I began animating properly starting with a simple zoom of one of my backgrounds as an establishing shot to depict where the animation is set. I am using Adobe Animate over Photoshop as I find it easier to understand. I was really scared of beginning to animate because I have never animated digitally before and I was afraid of the program, so I think I put it off a bit out of fear. However, when I got used to the controls I found it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.
I used tweens over frame by frame to show the date jumping out of the box in the second shot and then drew a few key frames of him walking over to begin his escape. If I have time I would like to change the tweens to frame by frame because I dont like how robotic and unnatural it looks, but I really like the frame by frame walk cycle I did. Because I had never done a walk cycle before I had to look up a lot of tutorials on youtube to help. I struggled a bit with this because my dates legs are so small and I didnt know how much they should bend while still looking natural, but after experimenting a bit a making them bend less I am quite pleased with the result. Below is the video I found really helpful in trying to get this right.

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