Friday, February 3, 2017

Humour Research: Different audiences

For our new process and production brief 'Make em' laugh' we have been given 6 themes;

  • First Contact: alien encounters, coming to earth,sloths first meeting, baby being born; dogs meeting eachother
  • A Birthday to Remember:Jesus's birthday, everyone forgets someones birthday
  • The Restaurant; hare in soup, waiter keeps spilling things
  • A Cunning Plan
  • Blind Date; dates that are blind, blind person trying to mark off a date,
  • Neighbours;
I have listed some of my ideas for each theme above. We have also been asked to do some research into which audience we are aiming to amuse and different types of humour. The three audiences I have identified are;

  • Children; I think this audience could be quite restrictive as you would have to be careful not to include any violence or sexual references and to keep the joke relatively simple and easy to understand. The colours would have to be very bright and appealing and the style quite cartoonish. I remember loving 'The Pink Panther' cartoon as a child. 
  • Teenagers/Young Adults; this is probably the type of humour I would laugh at the most; in recent years it seems to be mostly self depreceating and random humour, and the new internet sensation of 'memes.' I think pun related humour, slapstick and witty jokes are also quite common for this age group. Some popular animation that alot of people my age seem to find funny is asdf movies on youtube, the humour in these videos is very random and simple. This would probably be the best genre for me to construct an animation around as its the one I can relate to the most.

  • Adult humour; I think adults appreciate sarcasm and satire a lot as well as humour related to specific interests or references. Their humour is probably alot more mature that what a childs or teens would be.

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