Thursday, February 23, 2017

Make Em Laugh Progress

This week I have been working on getting key frames blocked in in other shots of my animation. The third shot of my animation also has a walk cycle in it and after doing this in the shot before I felt alot more comfortable doing it and I think it looked alot better than in the last shot where I had problems keeping the size of the character consistent using frame by frame animation. The next shot was a bit more complex with the date sliding down a rope and jumping off onto the floor. I decided to tween the rope movement to save time but to try and draw him doing a front flip off the rope to make the scene more visually interesting. I was really happy with the final bounce off the rope and tried to use my knowledge of squash and stretch and timing to make it look as good as possible. If I have time I would like to make the part where he slides down the rope more interesting by making him twirl around it or by making the rope sway, because at the minute I think it looks way too still and static compared to the energetic bounce he does at the end.
For the next shot where the date nearly gets ran over by a trolley, I have began by colouring over a picture of a trolley on photoshop which I imported into animate. I then made the trolley into a symbol and moved the rotation of the wheels so it appears as if they are moving, and then tweened the trolley to move across the stage so the date can jump out of its way. I am really pleased with how the trolley looks especially with the wheel moving. I also added in key frames of the date diving out of the way, trying to focus on the timing of the jump and the anticipation the date goes through before he jumps out of the way.

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