Thursday, October 20, 2016

OUAN403- Studio Practice

10th-16th October 

This week marked the beginning of the "Telling Stories" brief in which we had to design a story board based on a nursery rhyme. I decided to choose the 'Crooked Man' story because I liked it as a child and I thought i could make it quite spooky in art style. While designing the story boards we had to consider how aspects such as composition, lighting and camera movement might communicate the story more clearly to the audience. I began by drawing out each frame in my sketchbook before moving on to sticky notes. I found it hard to get twelve different frames out of the nursery rhyme at first, as it is quite a short rhyme. I decided to use a simple art style because the size of the boxes didn't allow me to use a realistic one. I think this style suited the story in my opinion, as it could clearly illustrate how the man was literally crooked and wouldn't confuse the audience with too much detail. I tried to make the story board as easy to understand as possible, but found some aspects a bit challenging. For example I found it quite hard to design characters for the Crooked cat and Mouse, and to illustrate that the Crooked Man had walked a Crooked Mile. In retrospect I think I should have added more detail to the background and characters, but at the time I thought it might make the scene too confusing and add details to the story that weren't actually there. After I was happy with each of my frames I drew the final version of my storyboard out on the A3 storyboard template. I used only black biro as I wanted the storyboard to look quite spooky and to keep the story simple. I would like to do many more detailed and colourful storyboards in the future though. This brief was more challenging than I thought it would be at the start as it required you to strategically think about the best way to present a story so it is easy to understand for the audience.

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