Monday, October 10, 2016


Storyboards are used as a pre production process that allow you to plan your animation. They are also used in the production of films and other forms of moving image. We learned about the different kinds of shot frames there are as well and the different effects these can have. For example; Extreme Long shots can set the scene and shows an entire landscape; long shots are used to establish the whole scene and perhaps show a characters actions. Medium shots can show the subject in more detail and can show the relationship between the characters. Close ups help the audience know how the character is feeling and can help them relate to the character, while extreme close ups help create an intimate relationship with a character. I found learning about this process interesting because it is something so essential to the animation process but also something that i have never thought about in much depth before or thought I would enjoy doing. A story board can also break down a scene or even an entire script, allowing the producer to carry out the production in an organised way and efficiently.
I have inserted my first rough attempt at storyboarding for the "Telling Stories" brief, for which I chose the 'Crooked Man' nursery rhyme. I enjoyed the process because it makes you think about different elements of the story you are trying to portray and how you want to illustrate characters and their emotions. I have looked at some storyboards from the website "Living Lines Library" such as Bee Movie and Coraline, I found it really interesting to see the story illustrated in its first form. 

Bee Movie Storyboard

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