Monday, October 17, 2016

Fairy Tale Critique

We began the week with a class critique on our fairy tale storyboards. The critique really helped me to understand the flaws in my storyboard and made me think about how I would do it differently next time. One of the main constructive criticisms I received from my peers was about the lack of different camera angles that I used in the storyboard. This is something that I didn't really think about too much when I was designing the storyboard and now that it's been pointed out to me I think it would really have improved it and made it much more interesting. I also got comments about adding more colour and background to the storyboard; I personally felt that adding colour wouldn't have helped communicate the story and I also liked my simple black colour scheme because I thought it suited the tone of the nursery rhyme, but I would like to use colour in future story boards. There was also the suggestion that I try to add more expression to my characters, which I agree with,but i found this difficult because of the small spaces to draw in the template and also because I struggled with giving the characters expressing whilst having them also remain "crooked" in looks. I also gathered from my feedback that I misunderstood how to write the annotations for the storyboard, essentially re writing the story as opposed to giving stage directions and indicating camera angles etc,and this was something else I will do differently in future story boards. I have inserted my finished storyboards below;

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