Wednesday, October 5, 2016

3rd-9th October- Tick Tock

This week we were also given the 'Tick Tock' brief, where we had to animate a pendulum swinging from one side to another, with the swing lasting one second each way. This exercise gave me an understanding of the importance of the principles of easing and timing. Easing is the idea of slow in, and slow out in animation. Animation looks more realistic if it has more drawings near the beginning and end of an action, emphasising the extreme poses, and fewer in the middle.Without this principle, movements become unnatural and robotic. Timing was important for this exercise because the requirements of the brief specifies the pendulum must swing for one second each way. I found this difficult to get right at the beginning but after thinking about the number of frames I must draw it made sense. I really enjoyed watching my first proper animation come to life. We also used the pegbar for the first time in this exercise, which made the task a lot easier.  Here is my finished swing;

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